We rely on volunteers who contribute to helping events happen.
Please consider supporting the community and signing up for free admission and beverages as well as our community thanks!
Fusion Odyssey Events in 2025
4th Saturday of each month!
01-25 January Theme:
🧚🏽Seelie and Unseelie Fae Masquerade Ball 2nd Anniversary🧚🏽02-22 February Theme:
Vampire Masquerade BallMatches our Community Road Trip to the Endless Night Vampire Ball!
03-22 March Theme:
TBDMatches our Community Road Trip TBD
04 April Theme: TBD
05 May Theme: TBD
06 June Theme: TBD
07 July Theme: TBD
08 August Theme: TBD
09 September Theme: TBD
10 October Theme: TBD
11 November Theme: TBD
12 December Theme: TBD
DJs for Fusion Odyssey February 2025
💃🏻 Fusion Odyssey 🕺🏽
4th Saturday Themed Dance
4th Saturday Themed Dance
What is "Fusion Odyssey" well, let's take this journey together..
🧛🏻 Monthly on the 4th Saturday 🐺
🧛🏻 THEME each month! 🐺
🧛🏻 Hosted at FlowState.Studio 🐺
🕗 8p - 9p Fusion Lesson (INCLUDED in cover charge!)
🕘 9p - 12a Fusion Odyssey Fusion Dancing
🕛 12a - 3a+ "Midnight Mass"
Stan Tickets / Payments
🗓️ https://stan.store/FlowStateStudio/p/fusion-odyssey
🗓️ https://www.venmo.com/u/flowstatestudio
🗓️ https://www.eventbrite.com/o/flowstatestudio-33554548093
🧛🏻 Cost 🐺
💵 Sliding scale $15 - $25 💵 *
Stan Tickets / Payments
https://stan.store/FlowStateStudio/p/fusion-odyssey (preferred payment system)
* Includes 8p - 9p Fusion Lesson
* Includes 9p - 12a Main Dance
* Includes "Midnight Mass" 12a - 1:30a+
🧛🏻 Dance Workshop 🐺
🕒 3p - 6p Fusion Dance Workshop (separate event) **
** Separate event and cost
🧛🏻 Munch 🐺
🕕 6p - 8p Fusion Dinner / Munch (separate event) ***
Dinner and Munch for both workshop attendees & Fusion Odyssey dance attendees!
*** Separate FREE community event and ZERO cost
🧛🏻 Fusion Lesson 🐺
🕗 8p - 9p Fusion Lesson
INCLUDED with your Fusion Odyssey entry fee!
ALSO! Join the 3p - 6pm fusion lesson before the dance as well for a deeper dive!
🧛🏻 Main Dance 🐺
🕘 9p - 12a Fusion Odyssey Fusion Dancing
INCLUDED with your Fusion Odyssey entry fee!
📍 Location and directions on the website 📍
🙋🏻 Message one of the organizers if having issues locating, but refer to the website for details first! 🙋🏻
💞 Conduct & Consent 💞
For all Conduct & Consent policies, or any reporting, visit:
Domains of FlowState.Studio Policies Are:
1.0 Explicit Consent
2.0 Zero Pressure
3.0 Checking In
4.0 Consent is Temporary
5.0 Listen & Comply
6.0 Activity Does NOT Imply Interest
7.0 Reporting
For auditory processing of these polices we have a video recording:
🧛🏻 Frequently Asked Questions 🐺
Q: Do I have to dress up?
A: Not at all! Completely optional.
Q: Do we have to wear a mask?
A: Not at all! Completely optional and come as you desire!
Speakeasy venue and popup event vibe
Message one of the organizers and/or attendees if having issues locating, but refer to the website for details first!
DJs for Fusion Odyssey January 2025
Fusion Odyssey Events in 2024
4th Saturday of each month!
01-27 January 🧚🏽Seelie and Unseelie Fae Masquerade Ball 🧚🏽
02-24 February ❤️ Queen of Hearts Court & Wonderland Misfits ❤️
03-23 March 🐪 Ra's Wrath: A Desert Odyssey 🐪
04-27 April 🌎 International Fusion Medley (IFM 2024) 🌎
05-25 May 🚀 Star Wars (Space & Aliens) 🚀
06-22 June 🌊🫧 Under the Sea (Pirates, Mermaids, and a Little Nemo) 🏴☠️🧜🏻♀️
07-27 July 🌵 Steampunk Wild West 🌵
08-24 August 🏰 Disney Heroes and Villains 🏰
09-28 September 🧑🏻🎤 Cyberpunk 🤖
10-26 October 🧛🏻 Vampires vs Werewolves 🐺
11-23 November “Renaissance Fusion”
FlowState.Studio 5 Year Anniversary!
Patrick Haugen's Birthday Blowout!
12-28 December “White Attire Blacklight Fusion”
DJs for Fusion Odyssey December 2024
DJs for Fusion Odyssey November 2024
🧛🏻 Want to DJ in the future? 🐺
Send your interest and you too can DJ the late night vibes
🧛🏻 DJ Profiles 🐺
DJs for Fusion Odyssey October 2024
🧛🏻 Want to DJ in the future? 🐺
Send your interest and you too can DJ the late night vibes
🧛🏻 DJ Profiles 🐺
DJs for Fusion Odyssey September 2024
🏰 Want to DJ in the future? 🏰
Send your interest and you too can DJ the late night vibes
🏰 DJ Profiles 🏰